
19 November 2010

Exam is just around the corner!


Hm. y'all dpt rasa tak kehangatan nak exam minggu depan? hesy. rasa berdebar2! takut semua ada..

anyway, i hope that all of us had fully-utilized the given 3 weeks to study, revise and re-read!

to all my dear friends, anywhere you are, USIM, KMS, UiTM etc..

I'm wishing you best of luck! sama2 kita bagi yang terbaikk!!

[stay calm! that's important]

[yeah. no need to be a bookworm! study smart already enough!]

[lastly, may us pass the exam with flying colours~]

Not to forget, my dear sis, Shazwani and my dear cousin, Mimi will sit for SPM and STPM respectively. their exam will start on 23rd nov, a day after my exam - 22nd nov.

however it is, don't forget to pray, pray and pray to Allah. ask HIM to make us stay calm during the exam and give us the best result. after all your Doa, Usaha, Ikhtiar then Tawakal =DUIT! then, tunggula result dengan tenang. but don't forget to still pray! may Allah "open" the heart of examiners to give us the best marks! =)

and this is my schedule:

1st WEEK:
22nd nov - arabic 2

24th nov - economics, TITAS

25th nov - ICT

2nd WEEK:

1st dec - Ethnic

2nd dec - arabic 1

3rd dec - english 2

3rd WEEK:
8-11th dec - Arabic Language Support Programme

4th WEEK:

12-15th dec - English Language Support Programme

5th WEEK onwards:
16th dec 10 - 1st jan 11 - Movies Marathon!! yeay! =)

ok. that's all from me, good luck my dear friends!
er. wish me too ya! =)

15 November 2010

Petua Menjadi Pelajar Cemerlang Menurut Al-Quran

Anda inginkan petua-petua untuk menjadi pelajar cemerlang walau di mana sahaja anda berada?

Apa kata kita renungkan kembali beberapa petua atau tips kejayaan yang telah Allah SWT titipkan di permulaan surah Al-Mu'minun, surah yang ke-23 di dalam lembaran Al-Quran.

01.Keyakinan, kepercayaan and keimanan kepada Allah SWT

"Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman." [23:1]

Iman dan kejayaan disebut oleh Allah SWT dalam ayat yang sama. Maka imanlah faktor utama kejayaan. Dan keyakinan yang tinggi inilah yang akan melahirkan sikap positif yang bakal disebutkan dibawah.

02.Fokus, bersungguh-sungguh, sepenuh hati

"iaitu orang-orang yang khusyuk dalam solatnya." [23:2]

Lakukan satu-satu perkara dalam satu-satu masa. Jangan mencapah dan melayang fikiran ke sana ke mari. Lakukan dengan sepenuh hati, bukan sambil lewa.

03.Prioriti. Mengutamakan apa yang utama.

"dan orang-orang yang menjauhkan diri dari lagha (perbuatan dan perkataan yang tidak berguna)." [23:3]

Kebiasaannya dalam menghadapi musim peperiksaan yang penuh tekanan, kita cenderung untuk berehat dan menenangkan minda dengan hiburan, menonton drama, bersembang di Facebook dan seumpanya sehinggakan selalu sahaja melebihi daripada masa rehat yang telah kita peruntukkan.

Sebaik-baiknya kita mengoptimumkan penggunaan masa untuk belajar, dan mengisi masa rehat kita dengan perkara-perkara yang berfaedah seperti membasuh, melipat atau menggosok baju, bersenam untuk melancarkan perjalanan darah di dalam badan dan bermacam-macam lagi yang anda sendiri lebih sedia maklum.

Namun, sebaik-baiknya kita gunakan masa rehat itu untuk mengambil wudu', melakukan solat sunat dan membaca Al-Quran. InsyaAllah apabila kita lebih rapat dengan Allah SWT, jiwa kita akan lebih tenang dan ia akan banyak membantu dalam usaha kita mengulangkaji pelajaran.

Kita dikehendaki menghindarkan diri dari perbuatan mengumpat pensyarah/guru kerana perkara-perkara sebegini tidak mendatangkan faedah kepada masa depan anda, tidak menambahkan markah untuk kertas peperiksaan yang bakal/telah diduduki, malah boleh mendatangkan dosa dan kemurkaan Allah SWT.

04.Prihatin sesama kita

"dan orang-orang yang menunaikan zakat." [23:4]

Walaupun sedang berada di saat-saat genting, janganlah kita bersikap terlalu mementingkan diri, dan mengabaikan kawan-kawan yang lebih susah di sekeliling kita. Kongsilah apa yang termampu, samada ilmu, kertas-kertas soalan tahun lepas dan lain-lain. Sharing is caring.

05.Jaga hubungan antara lelaki dan perempuan

"dan orang-orang yang menjaga kehormatannya. kecuali terhadap isteri-isteri mereka, atau hamba yang mereka miliki, maka mereka (isteri dan hamba) dalam hal ini tiada tercela. Sesiapa yang mencari dibalik itu, mereka itulah orang-orang yang melampaui batas." [23:5,6,7]

Janganlah kita menggunakan alasan belajar untuk melanggari batas-batas pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan ajnabi, misalnya dengan studi berdua-duan, kemudian pulang ke rumah berpimpin tangan.

Padahal Allah SWT kan sentiasa ada, sentiasa melindungi dan sentiasa menolong jika kita mencari dan meminta pada-Nya.

06.Jujur, amanah

" dan orang-orang yang memelihara amanah-amanah dan janjinya."[23:8]

Bukankah kita telah berjanji dengan pihak penaja dan ibu bapa kita untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh? Lebih penting lagi, bukankah kita telah berjanji dengan Allah SWT untuk memanfaatkan peluang kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar yang telah dipinjamkan-Nya kepada kita sebagai medan untuk kita mengutip ilmu, pengalaman dan pahala buat bekalan di akhirat sana?

Elakkan menipu ketika peperiksaan. Andai penjaga peperiksaan meminta kita berhenti menulis kerana masa sudah tamat, jangan pula kita terus menulis. Sebaliknya sebutlah "Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'ala Allahi wala haula wala quwwata illa billahil 'azim."

07.Tepati waktu

"dan orang-orang yang memelihara solatnya." [23:9]

Konsep yang boleh diambil dalam konteks kehidupan seorang pelajar Muslim ialah supaya sentiasa belajar dengan berdisiplin, menepati masa, tidak berlengah-lengah, menjaga kualiti dan produktiviti harian kita. Jika sebelum ini kita diingatkan supaya berhenti menulis apabila tamat masa peperiksaan, kita juga perlu memulakan perjuangan kita dalam pelajaran dan peperiksaan seawal yang mungkin. Memelihara solat lima kali sehari setiap hari juga mengajar kita untuk tidak berputus asa atau berpatang arang di pertengahan jalan.

Namun janganlah kita hanya mengaplikasikan konsep-konsep ini untuk akademik semata-mata. Penekanan utama dalam ayat tersebut supaya kita menjaga hubungan kita dengan Allah SWT kerana kita akan kembali mengadap-Nya dengan amal-amal kita, bukan dengan berapa gulung ijazah yang berjaya kita perolehi. Belajar dan ijazah hanyalah alat untuk kita mencapai keredhaan Allah SWT dan merebut peluang mewarisi syurga-Nya.

" Mereka itulah orang-orang yang akan mewarisi. Iaitu yang akan mewarisi Syurga Firdaus. Mereka kekal didalamnya." [23:10,11]

" ....Maka di antara manusia ada yang berdoa: 'Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami (kebaikan) di dunia.' Dan tiadalah baginya bahagian di akhirat."[2:200]

"Dan di antara mereka ada orang yang berdoa: Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami dari seksa neraka." [2:201]

"Mereka itulah orang-orang yang mendapat bahagian dari apa yang mereka usahakan dan Allah sangat cepat perhitungannya." [2:202]

Sumber: www.iluvislam.com

p/s: 1. selamat beramal.

2. exam lagi seminggu! da ready semua?!

12 November 2010

Things Your Pilot Won't Tell You

Salam and Hi!

how's your study weeks? have fun?yeah. it's totally FUN! be a bookworm for 2 weeks and this coming week.. LOL!

recently, after I signed out from my email account at Yahoo!, there was an article that had attracted me to read more. It's about "30 Things Your Pilot Won't Tell You". But I just took 16 points that really impressed me! hehe

So, just scroll down ya! =)

© Ryan  McVay/Photodisc/Thinkstock

What You Don't Want to Know

1. “Sometimes the airline won’t give us lunch breaks or even time to eat. We have to delay flights just so we can get food.” -First officer on a regional carrier

* ala.. kesiannye.. huhu. and for them delay flights are very meaningful! for us... =(

2. “We tell passengers what they need to know. We don’t tell them things that are going to scare the pants off them. So you’ll never hear me say, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we just had an engine failure,’ even if that’s true.” -Jim Tilmon, retired American Airlines pilot, Phoenix

* haha. yang ni xsanggup dengar! lagi cuaks ade kot kita yang kat atas tu nanti...

[ayah check-in at LCCT]

3. “The Department of Transportation has put such an emphasis on on-time performance that we pretty much aren’t allowed to delay a flight anymore, even if there are 20 people on a connecting flight that’s coming in just a little late.” -Commercial pilot, Charlotte, North Carolina

*hoho. thats why we should check in at the immigration 1 hour early. but it's more better if we can do it 2 hours early.. to avoid any distractions later.. =)

[subhanallah. amazing!]

4. “The truth is, we’re exhausted. Our work rules allow us to be on duty 16 hours without a break. That’s many more hours than a truck driver. And unlike a truck driver, who can pull over at the next rest stop, we can’t pull over at the next cloud.” -Captain at a major airline

* hehe. it's funny if there are R&Rs at the cloud! can u imagine? i imagine that it would like "istana kayangan" in fable stories.. hehe

What We Want You to Know

5. “I may be in uniform, but that doesn’t mean I’m the best person to ask for directions in the airport. We’re in so many airports that we usually have no idea.” -Pilot for a regional carrier, Charlotte, North Carolina

* haha! don't disturb them while they are on duty-off.. unless they are MAS or Airasia Pilots and then you are asking direction at KLIA or LCCT respectively...

[arrived safely at Suvarnabhumi Airport. thanks pilot! =)]

6. “Most of the time, how you land is a good indicator of a pilot’s skill. So if you want to say something nice to a pilot as you’re getting off the plane, say ‘Nice landing.’ We do appreciate that.” -Joe D’Eon

* hm.. already thinking about this before.. i want to meet the pilot that had successfully 'fly' me from one place to one place.. and say thank you to him.. alala. cm sweet la plak.. =p

7. “Cabin air is not as dirty as people think. A portion of the air is recirculated because that helps to reduce humidity. But it’s run through hospital-quality HEPA filters, and it’s actually cleaner than the air found in most public buildings.” -Patrick Smith, commercial pilot and author

*owh! that one! mmg kadang2 sakit hidung nak bernafas. but for the sake of passengers, they need to run it as usual..

[AK 0742 - arrived early than expectation]

8. “No, it’s not your imagination: Airlines really have adjusted their flight arrival times so they can have a better record of on-time arrivals. So they might say a flight takes two hours when it really takes an hour and 45 minutes.” -AirTran Airways captain, Atlanta

*hah! that's why la during landed at Suvarnabhumi Airport several months ago, the pilot on-duty announced that the journey will take about 2 hours and 5 minutes. however, the actual time of arrival was 1 hour and 50 minutes only!

When Not to Worry

[haha. gaya mcm ni nak tengok kilat?! lawak la adik ni.. tutup telinga bila nak landing kan tekanan kuat..]

9. “I’ve been struck by lightning twice. Most pilots have. Airplanes are built to take it. You hear a big boom and see a big flash and that’s it. You’re not going to fall out of the sky.” -Pilot for a regional carrier, Charlotte, North Carolina

* recently, my 9 years-old-sister requested at us, "hm. next time kalau naik aeroplane lagi, harap2 hujan! adik nak tengok kilat, hujan mcm mana kat atas tu" we jerked our eyebrows. ^_^' adoyai. adik.. please don't request such that things anymore! habis mama, kak wani marah! me? just smile.. COOL~ lalala..

We Don't Get It

10. “If you’re going to recline your seat, for God’s sake, please check behind you first. You have no idea how many laptops are broken every year by boorish passengers who slam their seat back with total disregard to what’s going on behind them.” -John Nance

*owh really?! xtau la plak.. hehe

Advice for Nervous Fliers

[yg ni xingt kat malaysia or thailand. hehe]

11. “The smoothest place to sit is often over or near the wing. The bumpiest place to sit is in the back. A plane is like a seesaw. If you’re in the middle, you don’t move as much.” -Patrick Smith

*hoho.. recently, our seat near the wing.. however, we shouldn't rely on this "myth".. just pray to Allah to have a safe journey then...

Those Silly Rules, Explained

12. “People don’t understand why they can’t use their cell phones. Well, what can happen is 12 people will decide to call someone just before landing, and I can get a false reading on my instruments saying that we are higher than we really are.” -Jim Tilmon

*yeah. that's right! pity on them. they want to have a safe landing, but, we - the passengers- didn't give good cooperation.. even, myself, don't have enough courage to listen to music at my hp even in "Flight Mode" *SE users know what it is* how good I am~

13. “We’re not trying to ruin your fun by making you take off your headphones. We just want you to be able to hear us if there’s an emergency.” -Patrick Smith

* no comment

14. “We ask you to put up the window shade so the flight attendants can see outside in an emergency, to assess if one side is better for an evacuation. It also lets light into the cabin if it goes dark and helps passengers get oriented if the plane flips or rolls over.” -Patrick Smith

*okeyy.. a new thing i learnt today~

It's Not All Glamour Up in the Air

15. “When you get on that airplane at 7 a.m., you want your pilot to be rested and ready. But the hotels they put us in now are so bad that there are many nights when I toss and turn. They’re in bad neighborhoods, they’re loud, they’ve got bedbugs, and there have been stabbings in the parking lot.” -Jack Stephan

16. “We miss the peanuts too.” -US Airways pilot, South Carolina

*pesanan penaja: kasihanilah mereka... =)

p/s: 1. i have a friend and he always dream to be a pilot.. but, suddenly, i just knew he took culinary course! haha. jauh sangat tu.. his height already fulfilled the requirements. however it is, the culinary also his passion.. hm. adakah dia baca entry ni? =)

2. my neighbour, Uncle Hisham and my headmaster's husband, Uncle Azland are pilots! jarang la dapat jumpa mereka.. cuti pun susah nak dapat.. harap2 anak2 dia xbaca post ni.. ngeh3.

3. bila boleh terbang lagi ni? wink3~

06 November 2010

Janganlah terlalu....

Buat anda wahai pembaca blog, hayatilah dan aplikasikan dalam kehidupan kita. InsyaAllah. May Allah bless us~

Janganlah bangga sangat dengan pakaian yang cantik dan mahal kerana pakaian terakhir kita nanti adalah KAIN KAPAN.

Janganlah terlalu seronok dengan tempat tidur yang empuk dan nyaman kerana tempat tidur terakhir kita ialah di LIANG LAHAD.

Jangan bangga dan action sangat dengan kenderaan mewah, kerana kenderaan terakhir kita adalah VAN JENAZAH dan PAPAN KERANDA.

Jangan pula ego dan bongkak kerana mampu memiliki rumah mewah seperti istana. Kita kena ingat, rumah terakhir kita nanti adalah KUBUR bertiang dua.

[p/s: yang ni la rumah berjuta ringgit kat bangi yang Puan Zurina pernah beritahu tu..]

Jangan terlalu megah dengan pangkat dan darjat, kerana bila sudah tiada nanti, kita dapat gelaran AL-MARHUM

Janganlah terlalu bangga dan berlagak dengan wajah yang kacak atau cantik, kerana bila kita mati nanti, wajah itu akan berubah menjadi TENGKORAK.

P/S: gambar2 diatas tiada kena mengena dengan hidup dan yang mati. maaf kalau anda terasa, tersinggung dan sebagainya. pesan AmirS " maafkanlah ya akhi, ukhti "

04 November 2010

Bye W395, Hi J10i2 Elm


I think all of you know what it is all about! =)

All of this happened accidentally... huhu..

The story began here...

Last saturday, during busy in messaging my classmate to ask for their email, my hp screen appeared blank. nothing. omg! da risau sangat da ni.. it is the second time this hp buat hal! =(

Luckily, i have my backup hp, nokia 6020 *given by my grandfather. see! still berjasa even I already pack it up... lalala~*

yeah, with the virtue of the hp, i still can message my friend; titas and all about life~ but, the keypad not function very well. so, macam xbest sangat la nak message kan? lol!

[sony ericsson W395. thanks for all your good deeds..]

owh yeah. the problem was when i slide it up, the screen had appeared nothing. but, when i slide it down, it appeared! omg. this hp drove me crazy! so, it just function as my music companion. time tula baru nak play game, racing car.

for your *me too ... * information, this hp life expectancy just 1 year 5 months. haha. i bought it several days before i registered at USIM. anyway, hp ni dah banyak berjasa. ease my work as class rep for sem 2 tamhidi and sem 1 degree.. messaging my classmates and maintaining the bond of family bila berjauhan.. haha

so, no hal la dia rosak kan? even muna yg jadi class rep for the whole tamhidi last year and this sem, pun da tukar bnyk hp?! hehe.. *muna, sorry.. =)*

[sony ericsson J10i2 Elm. silalah berjasa kepada saya ok..]

so, i just trade in the W395 and bought this on 011110 *binary code. haha. applykan ICT! =p* hope it will accompany me for about 4-5 years.. first time kot beli warna pink! hoho.. its features pun not bad.. ada peningkatan.. i will use it wisely ok.. hehe

ok. need to pen off..

p/s: 1. ad orang tu kata, hp sy da setanding dgn hp dy - 5MP camera. before this, mine only 2MP.. =p
2. taubat sudah xnak beli slide or flip. nak beli yang biasa je. takut pisang berbuah dua kali.. hoho

3. sedih rasa tengok W395 dijual.. =(

03 November 2010

study mood

hi friends!

currently, i'm in study mood with listening to music. =)

what music? nasyid maybe. sometimes english songs too.

the latest nasyid i just heard are sami yusuf's and saujana songs.. nice to hear..

make me strong, healing, where ever you are, you came to me, patah hati, titik ajaib.. *spend your time for awhile to listen to these songs. 100%-guaranteed best!*

yeah. i think these latest songs are better than their previous album.. made me more relax, calm to study.

actually, it is not an 'offense' to study while listen to music. but it is depends on how you study. if you are the one who like to study in 'silent' mode, so, it is better for you to continue the way you like. ok?

my style, study with music companion. it will make me become enjoy to study! if not, i will turn into 'sleep' or 'hiberbate' mode.. hehe. and of course, it will consume electric more because i need to charge my handphone every day.. hehe

ok.. gudluck my dear friends in the semester 1 final exam!

p/s: the title should be, study mood or music mood? haha